
Category Archives: Events

When I first heard about the Color Me Rad 5K, I was all for it. Then I got caught up in other things and before I knew it, the event was sold out. Bummer. Luckily, I came across an awesome person that had 2 tickets, so I grabbed them. Anyone over 7, had to pay for a ticket, so I asked Ashleigh if she would want to do it and of course she said yes! Under 7 ran for free, so that meant Addy and Coop got to come along and enjoy the fun. If I would have had a jogging stroller handy, I would have taken Bean too! Continue reading

Wordless Wednesday:Date Knight with Cooper @ CFA



Saturday started off with soccer pictures at 8am and noon and soccer games at 9am and 1pm. Then we decided to hit up the Rolesville History Tour. It’s our towns 175th year, so they have been doing different activities throughout the year to celebrate. We love history so there was no chance of passing this one up. The tours were scheduled to start at 2pm and 2:30pm and since we had soccer, we missed the 1st tour. So we quickly went back home to change out of cleats and go to the potty (with 4 kids,someone always has to go). Continue reading

Bean doesn’t turn 2 for another 10 days but since Grandma was visiting this past week, we thought we would celebrate her birthday early. We picked up a rainbow cake and Ashleigh made her a crown out of the cardboard wrapper that went around the cake. You can still see her “black eye” from running into the table when we were at the beach 😦

Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday to you!

We brought out the cake and before we could even start singing “Happy Birthday” to her, she started to sing it all on her own. Cutest. Thing. Ever! Here’s a link to the video…

Grandma got her Mega building blocks…which have been a big hit with everyone, not just Bean. Thanks Grandma!

Two brings a whole new assortment of obstacles for Bean. Paul is already threatening to discard the “nuk” on her big day…EEK! Then we have to nail down this potty training! 3 years ago I thought for sure we were done with diaper changing…ahhh, how I hate poop! To this day I still do not understand how such beautiful little children, can make such stinky little diapers. No matter what, it’s going to be an exciting new year.

Happy Birthday Bean! xxoo

This past weekend we were lucky enough to enjoy a fantastic birthday party…this time, I was actually on time. Yay for me! It was a joint birthday party for her boys and there were a ton of kids…like 40+. The party hasn’t even started yet and Lisa is already my hero for handling all these kids LOL Continue reading

I have some caching up to do, so I figured I’d go back to where I left off. Let me just say, this was the year for Mad Science. Not only did the kids have a Mad Science birthday party, they also got to see them at their old school and the new school they transferred to after our move. These kids definitely got their dose of science this year!

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Paul and I are always very spur of the moment people. This past week has been nothing but typical for us but was definitely unexpected.

It all started with the thought that we would be purchasing a home next year. We began to save and even though we were planning a year out, I was driving myself insane by looking at houses, land and neighborhoods in our current town.

For one, our house is way too small for our family. We moved in as a family of five and have since grown. Secondly, we rent since we did not want to buy in an area that was unknown to us and I want to own our home.

We love our current town and we also love our current neighbors. So much so, that even though Paul has an big commute, we were all for staying in this wonderful town. I had mentioned to Paul that we should live closer to where he works but he always ignored it…. Until last Friday. I’m pretty sure the commute finally just got to him, but Paul began to send me houses in an area closer to his office. Since it’s a totally new area, I want to rent again until we know for sure that we like it. We found a few homes for rent and took a drive on Saturday to see the neighborhoods and homes.

Now, we are looking at big homes and can I just say, very few met my check list. I mean, one looked like it was meant to be in a western movie. One had the model home right next to it so all sorts of strangers would be pulling up in are hood. One was out in the middle of nowhere ( I actually liked this one but CVS was like 15 minutes away…unacceptable). Another had a cliff for a back yard. Sure it was fenced in but with Cooper’s past history, he would be over that fence and on his head in no time.

Everyone was starving so we hit up Smithfield’s. First ever experience for me and it was pretty good. Of course we had gotten a late start but there were 2 more houses to see even though it was dark. We drove into the neighborhood for the other homes and fell in love with one of the homes. Perfect neighborhood, big enough house, community swimming pool, closer to Paul’s office. My mind was made up right then and there. We came home, sent an e-mail and had an appointment to see it Sunday afternoon.

I couldn’t sleep at all with all the crazy running through my mind so I was dragging the next morning. Ashleigh came home (she had spent the night at a friends house) and looked awful. Turns out she wasn’t feeling well so I had Paul take her to urgent care. The urgent care visit took way longer than I expected and we were going to be late for the showing. I was an emotional mess but the agent was able to meet us a little later and we finally made it to the house.

It was perfect. Amazing! I mean the pics did nothing for this house. I was in love and ready to sign. Our hopes and dreams came to a crashing halt when we found out there was actually another applicant for the house from earlier in the day. Paul’s exact words ” That makes me sad.” LOL I love him!!! We got home and I cried until Paul caved and agreed to offer more money than they were asking. I wanted that house and would do whatever to get it. Let me remind you, me=emotional wreck that weekend. I wanted a bigger house closer to his office but I didn’t want to leave my friends, town and transfer the kids schools at the end of the year or remove them from their soccer teams. Probably not the best time for me to be making financial decisions, but whatever!

The agent sent the application to us and said he would review it Monday. Finally, Tuesday afternoon (after another day and half of depression wondering if there was still a possibility that he may give it to the first applicants he told us about) we heard from him that everything checked out and he would be pulling our credit/criminal background. By Wednesday, the agent said the house would be ours! OMG those were the longest 4 days ever. Maybe not really, but it felt like it.

We went from not even thinking about moving out of our house, to finding a house in a totally different area and getting it within a week. That shit cray! LOL The kids are super excited and Coop keeps asking when the movers are coming. Ummm, “you’re looking at them kid.” We have a ton to get done.
Ashleigh is finally starting to feel better, but just when things got better, Cooper was struck with a fever, chills, and headache. I feel so bad for them when they are sick! I am scheduled to get my wisdom teeth out on the 9th…eeeek! I’m so scared. Ashleigh and Addy are having their birthday party on the 18th…don’t be surprised if the house is mostly cleaned out by then y’all;) We’ve got to get the kids transferred and they still have soccer practice. We still have to sign the lease on Saturday, so I guess something could change in the meantime, but I hope everything goes as planned. Let the fun begin!

Wishing you and yours the greatest year yet!

This year we hosted the neighborhood NYE Party, therefore we were able to ring in the new year with great friends, food, and fun! It was a blast (we even had a chocolate fountain! You know you’re jealous!LOL) and we are already looking forward to the next get together.
A pic of the girls:
The kids:
It was quite the party after our quiet celebration last year…I don’t even think the kids stayed up till 12:00 last year! Amazingly, Bean slept through all of the noise, music, kids screaming and horn blowing. 
Here’s a pic of the kids from 2011 and 2012:)
Last Year (2011)
This Year 2012
So we made it through 2011 without any major catastrophies. Now if the world doesn’t end this year, I think we’ll be good!

We have truly had a year of crazy natural disasters! From the tornado a few months ago and the small earthquake last week to the hurricane this weekend, it’s been one thing after another. Luckily, we ourselves have not had any damage, but our thoughts are with those that have had damages and lost loved ones.

The outer bands of the Hurricane Irene started to bring rain into our area around 5:00pm Friday night and the wind picked up, but by 8:00pm the rain had stopped and the sun was setting.

Pics taken right at 8PM

Around midnight, I noticed that the kiddie pool had blown back into the yard, so I told Paul he better put everything into the garage. I went out to help him (as in opened the garage door because I have issues with the backyard now) and it was such a perfect night! The breeze and temperature were amazing and the clouds rolling by were absolutely breath taking. I tried to video the clouds but it was too dark to see them on the video (I am sure there is a special camera for that and I need to look into getting it). It literally looked like you were in a time lapsed video because they were moving so quickly across the sky!

By the time we came back into the house, it had started to rain. The rain and wind continued all night but we never lost power. I expected it to get worse out the next day but the rain and wind stayed about the same throughout the day. The power did flicker a few times around noon, but never went out for good. YAY!

Irene allowed us to clean out the closets and dressers, so today we dropped of a huge lot of clothes at the Goodwill. I can’t believe all the clothes the kids have outgrown. With all 4 of them, I could probably have my own consignment sale LOL I just can’t imagine tagging all those clothes to sell!

Today, you can’t even tell that we experienced any weather from a hurricane. The skies are clear, the sun is bright and it’s 93* out!

Yesterday, while Jenna and Addy were napping, I was enjoying some quiet peacefulness on the couch. It was about 1:54 and I heard this weird creaking sound and then noticed that the house was actually shaking. Initially, I thought I was hallucinating and wondered if I was still feeling the side effects of the illness I had over the weekend. Then, I thought that maybe they were way off on the hurricane arrival and the strong winds were already starting. Though when I looked outside, nothing was happening. My cell went off and my neighbor was asking if my house was just shaking, confirming that I was in fact not crazy.I e-mailed Paul, and he called to tell me that they felt it too.

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